Saturday, February 08

WattMetrics News

Sales Discontinued

Circumstances have forced us to discontinue sales of our solar product line.  For the complete announcement, please see the following page on our website:

New Alerts System is Live!

We've recently released a new alerts system that has been completely redesigned inside and out.  The new system is includes many improvements and additions including:

  • more intuitive design and behavior
  • better performance
  • inverter connectivity alert now automatically adjusts for local sunrise and sunset
  • a new MassCEC PTS reporting alert

Thank you to all of our customers that provided the feedback essential to the design of this new system! 

More information is available in the support section of our website:

WattMetrics Approved as California PBI Data Provider

WattMetrics is an approved Performance Data Provider (PDP) for the California Solar Initiative (CSI) Performance Based Incentive (PBI) rebate program.  Owners of WattMetrics revenue-grade systems can now participate in the PBI program.

WattMetric non-revenue-grade systems are approved for use with the CSI Performance Monitoring and Reporting System (PMRS).

WattMetrics Approved as PJM EIS GATS SREC Data Provider

WattMetrics has been approved as a data provider for the PJM EIS SREC Generation Attribute Tracking System (GATS).  Now system owners in New Jersey as well as Delaware, District of Columbia, Illinois, Maryland, Ohio, Pensylvania, Virginia and West Virginia can use WattMetrics revenue-grade systems to participate in the GATS for their Renewable Energy Credits (REC).

WattMetrics Approved as CEFIA Data Provider

WattMetrics is now an approved Performance Data Provider (PDP) for the Residential Solar Investment (RSIP) program in Connecticut (which is managed by Connecticut's Clean Energy Finance and Investment Authority (CEFIA).  WattMetrics revenue-grade residential monitoring systems can now be used by any participant in this program.

New Feature: Link to External Project Website

A small but mighty new feature allows project managers to a their own custom link to the public project dashboard.  The link could take users to a custom project website, a Facebook page, a Flicker slideshow or any other web-excessible resource.

To add a custom link to your public project dashboard, enter the link via the project settings page in the projects portal, as illustrated in the image below.

customer project web link

Once that is done, a new menu item will be available in the 'more data' tab on the project dashboard.  The new "more about this project" item will be a link to your own custom web presence for the project.

New Inverter: KACO

We now support KACO inverters! For more on WattMetrics support for KACO, please visit For more information about KACO inverters:

New Manual Available

A completely new installation and management manual is now available online. It has several new features and enhancements: Mobile Friendly The new documentation is now all online and easily accessible from our main website: It is easy to use from any smartphone or tablet, a great resource for reviewing instructions in the field. Revised and Expanded We've added a ton of new sections and complete rewritten old ones. A lot of close interaction with our customers has enabled us to add a lot of real-world details that make installing and managing WattMetrics projects even easier. Live Having the manual all online lets us make additions and revisions instantly. Installers can be confident they have the most up to date support we can provide, instead of having to wonder if the manual they downloaded three weeks or three months ago is still current. Never Complete We will always be looking to improve our support documents. Please don't hesitate to ... Read the rest of entry »

Data API private beta available

Our new data API is now available for testing. It provides automated access to project data via REST or SOAP. The REST interface includes JSONP access, making it super easy to add your own custom data visualizations to your website with WattMetrics data.  

The API functionaly also includes a sneek peak at our upcoming project portfolio features. 

More information is available here:  (please note that the API is available only via https, http requests will be ignored). Demontration data is available for testing.  Please contact us if you would like to particpate in the private beta.

New Inverter: Growatt

We now support inverters by Growatt. We've seen a lot of different makes of inverter and we were immediately impressed with the exceptional build quality of Growatt inverters. The many years they spent on R&D before realeasing their product has really paid off.  Although they are relatively new to the market, they have already been very successful in Europe, Asia, Australia and now the US.  More information on our Growatt support is available here: products/supportedinverters/Growatt.aspx.

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